The pope is a busy bee

The dear dear pope, so consistently hateful and harmful and bad. Yesterday he launched his new Twitter account and blessed the Ugandan legislator pushing the “kill the gays” bill.

Pope Benedict XVI has given blessings to Uganda Parliament Speaker Rebecca Kadaga during a mass attended by thousands of pilgrims at the Vatican,” Nsimbe Kasim at the Ugandan New Vision news reports.

He hates secularists and loves people who want the state to kill gays. What a mensch.

Then today – how productive he is! – he used his “peace day” message to bash same-sex marriage.

The pontiff said on Friday: “There is also a need to acknowledge and promote the natural structure of marriage as the union of a man and a woman in the face of attempts to make it juridically equivalent to radically different types of union.

“Such attempts actually harm and help to destabilise marriage, obscuring its specific nature and its indispensable role in society”, the Pope told worshipers.

That’s not peace.



  1. dzd says

    We must all be respectful of the holy father’s efforts to reach out to people of other faiths and culahahahahahahahaha no I can’t even finish that sentence it’s too patently ridiculous.

    The Roman Catholic Church is an active agent of evil in the world.

  2. Sili says

    Of course the Pope should keep blessing and supporting bigots.

    We don’t want him to engage in false advertising, do we?

  3. Reginald Selkirk says

    “Such attempts actually harm and help to destabilise marriage…

    Yo popester: more detail please. Whom do they harm, and how?

  4. says

    This is just so In.Con.Ceiv.Able. The photo puts me in mind of recently made public old [WWII] footage of the RCC hierarchy at a banquet with Herr Hitler.

    To think that if the Uganda Parliament Speaker Rebecca Kadaga were affiliated to the RCC, she would have stooped to kiss the pontifical hand, that in turn, was also kissed by countless paedophiles and their abettors. What a macabre thought indeed to envisage!

    Re: R. K. Methinks of Judas Iscariot, who kissed the cheek of Our Lord before betraying the latter. Our Lord in this case scenario being the real lordly innocent people of Uganda.

    To think that the Pontiff will have held the hands of a woman who will, in all likelihood, be indirectly responsible for shedding the blood of her own people. That being so – if the bill to kill innocent people happens to pass through the U. parliament. Indeed, it’s so In.Com.Pre.Hen.Sible to digest.

    My heart goes out to the Ugandans whose lives will be left in the hands of the woman facing the pope. Shame on the pope. Shame on Rebecca Kadaga. Life is so cheap. Definitely. Not. Peace.

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