
  1. callistahellene says

    I found this debate with a young, liberal Christopher Hitchens defending feminism from some clown that really made my day. 🙂 (Isn’t Youtube great?[ sometimes?])

  2. callistahellene says

    LOL. Lovely song but wrong video!
    Please delete Ophelia!
    I found this debate with a young, liberal Christopher Hitchens defending feminism from some clown that really made my day. (Isn’t Youtube great?[ sometimes?])

  3. Aratina Cage says

    @callistahellene, thank you for the awesome Hitchens video. 🙂 I wasn’t sure about it before, but now I think he’d positively skewer the MRA nonsense, including that of the atheists hanging out at the ‘pit.

  4. callistahellene says


    This is part two of a three part show. This one had the best parts but he goes into a bit more in part 1 & 2. I just love how he camly and logically demolishes Emmet whatever his name is and gets in a few good jokes at his expense without him even realizing it.

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