Woman’s Last Stand

I know my 10 Most Sexist Super Bowl Ads post got quite a bit of attention. And by “bit of attention” I mean hordes of anonymous trolls calling me a fat, ugly, lonely, humorless, overreacting, man-hating lesbian who needs to either get back in the kitchen or get back to blogging about topics that don’t make people uncomfortable. These comments really don’t phase me, since 1) Obvious trolls crack me up, 2) Misogynistic comments prove my point, and 3) My lesbian friends are super awesome, so I take that as a compliment.

To all of you who actually left civil and enlightening comments, whether they agreed or disagreed with me, I thank you.

Anyway, since the internet is way too serious of a place sometimes, I figured I would share this spoof of the Dodge Charger ad:

I’d put a bet on how many comments it’ll take for someone to call me a hypocritical misandrist*, but I just ruined that by stating it here, didn’t I? Oops.

*Sexism is bad, regardless if it’s targeted toward women or men. I’m not sure how many times I need to say that. Maybe I should put that in big bold letters above my banner for newcomers, so they don’t shit bricks every time I blog about sexism. Of course, watching them shit bricks is kind of fun.


  1. says

    Ok – so I liked this video before I saw the original "Dodge Charger: Man's Last Stand" ad – and E-gads; so ridiculous. Ahh.. Yes Men, you totally deserve a high-end sports car because you choose to behave like an adult?

  2. says

    Hi Jen,

    I wrote to disagree with you, I sure hope civilly!

    After more thought, I wonder if sexism and racism and other forms of discrimination in entertainment is really that bad. It is definitely not real life, but those things may certainly help people to recognize it and steer a different path in real life.

    Just a thought.

  3. says

    Rex, I think it's just that people take it to be real life unless someone says otherwise. What's said on television gets repeated at home/office a lot of times. We were only allowed to watch mostly stuff from before 1960 growing up (and not all of that!). One day, I came home from college, and there was my little brother, spouting off the sexist crap because it was funny on tv, so it must be funny in real life too! It was really annoying. If I hadn't said anything, he would still be spouting that stuff today. (And by "little" brother, he was a teenager, so not a small child simply parroting.) TV is a mirror of our culture. I'd rather it reflect good attitudes rather than bad. I do think you're right that it helps us recognize it and steer a different path, but I think part of steering a different path is recognizing it and changing it on tv when you see it.

    And it gets old seeing the same stereotypes over and over on tv.

  4. says

    I'm appalled by the fact that people don't really realize and defend those commercials, anyway. Women aren't really like that, men aren't really like that, and why should either of us even vaguely try to say that we are in any way like that?

  5. says

    This is a great spoof! Funny, I was talking with my wife about the vast number of these types of commercials this year, so many that I was actually getting pissed. How can I raise my daughter to be a strong, assertive, woman confident in her own intelligence and strength when this is the message we keep putting out? Suck it haters! This spoof rocks!

  6. says

    Ha! Thanks for this, Jen, and incidentally thanks for the link to Sarah Haskins in Target Women…she's my new hero! I was rolling, especially from the Brooke Shields one.

  7. Anonymous says

    It would have been better if this video had included some complaints that are common from original video (like, work, etc) and reversed (or adjust) remaining complaints.

    There should be some rules that require advertisers to discuss their products (instead of insinuating that people want or need it) in their ads.

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