
Random Fun Stuff

What if all the Avengers characters posed like female superheroes?

Seen on Twitter.

Awesome USB drive

Thanks for the tip, Paul!

Pro-Vaccination Billboard

Photographed by moi on southbound 94 in Wisconsin

This billboard on southbound 94 in Wisconsin made me happy. There are so many church signs and pro-life billboards along this route that I could have cried upon seeing a rational, science-based message. Vaccinate Your Baby is an awareness campaign that was launched by Every Child By Two, an organization devoted to raising awareness of the critical need for timely immunization and to foster a systematic way to immunize all of America’s children by age two.

Porn and Pancakes

Thanks to Louise for the tip!

Sign says: PORN AND PANCAKES – A morning filled with straight talk about porn and the issues surrounding porn. From the people who get it. XXXchurch pastors, porn industry insiders and people who have struggled without hope. The breakfast is open to men and boys in junior high and up.

Louise had this to say about the poster: “I was really excited when I first saw this. You know 2 of my favorite things until I realized I couldn’t go nor did they show porn. Boo!”

Random Fun Stuff

Chuck Norris – Eat Your Vegetables!

Continuing in the geektasticness that is May the 4th, I saw this on Facebook this morning.

Caption reads: Molly Weasley makes Chuck Norris eat his vegetables.

Thanks to Madeline for sharing.

And that led me over to Pintrest ScifiSiren Geekery group, where I lost valuable minutes of my life, but really it’s more like I sold valuable minutes of my life because I got these in return (below the fold):

Continue reading “Chuck Norris – Eat Your Vegetables!”

Chuck Norris – Eat Your Vegetables!

Judgmental Animals

My friend Beaver Hayes and I have started a new website.

We went to the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha, Nebraska last weekend and took a ton of photos. We couldn’t help but notice a certain…disdain on the faces of most of the animals. At first we thought we were imagining it – you know…anthropomorphism and all that. But the more we looked, the more we came to accept that the animals were actually judging us. Being the scientitians that we are, we decided to document the evidence so it could be peer-reviewed by all of you. Your review and feedback would be invaluable to the study of animal judgmentology.

Judgmental Animals

Patient Zero Rocks!

Yesterday JT posted about an Android app called Patient Zero. As a fan of both virology and social media, I immediately downloaded it and started playing. It’s a very passive “game”. Once you sign up, you just sit back and wait to infect or be infected. You can increase your infecting ability by traveling. Or by taking your phone to areas where lots of traveling occurs…I’m looking at you Minneapolis airport!

Continue reading “Patient Zero Rocks!”

Patient Zero Rocks!

Hey – he just woke up!

Jesus is getting his butt kicked in Mario Kart this morning. He must be feeling a little groggy, what with that dying and getting resurrected and all.

On a completely unrelated note: Does anyone know why Google doesn’t have a Doodle for Easter today? The only thing I found on the About section of Google Doodles is “The doodle selection process aims to celebrate interesting events and anniversaries that reflect Google’s personality and love of innovation.” They doodle based on location (different doodles for different countries), so I would have though US Google would create something for the Christians in the audience. They have done non-religious Christmas Doodles. Trust me, I’m not complaining, just pleasantly surprised to find godiness quietly absent from the Google front page.

Hey – he just woke up!


I was at a Minnesota Skeptics Drinking Skeptically last night and we moseyed into the topics of religion and the bible. Someone mentioned that there are two creation stories in the book of Genesis, and I was a little bemused to realize I didn’t know what they were talking about. I read the bible in its entirety back in college, but it’s been a while. I looked at the group and said, “I hate to say this, but I think I’m going to have to read the bible again.” One of the guys got a huge grin on his face and told me that he had the perfect version for me:

Of all that is unholy, Y U NO TELL ME THIS EXISTED?

The book contains some of the more better-known biblical stories, but the LOL Cat Bible Translation Project that started in 2007 has translated everything into lolcat.

Here’s an example of Adam wussing out before God (Ceiling Cat, of course) and blaming Eve for his decision eat the apple:

*sniff* I love my life.


Stalked by Statues

Strangely enough, not a Doctor Who reference.

I’ve been going through my D.C. photos over the past couple of days and am pleased with my collection of The Hubby Getting Stalked by Statues photos. This seeds of this tradition were planted in 2007 when I snapped this photo at the natural history museum in San Diego:

Lunch time.

These are the newest additions:

Stalked by Statues