Biodork Sloganeers

Every so often I do this thing called Sloganizing Atheism. It’s a chance for we heathens here at Biodork to be all snarky-like about the ubiquitous church signs, billboards, clothing and any other semi-flat surface where the god folk like to print their silly messages so that all can be proselytized to.

I have threatened to give awards for exceptionally witty snark, and have two such awards that I’ve been meaning to give out. I shall dub these two commenters “Biodork Sloganeers” and will give them a place of highest honor in one the four or five pages hidden in the lower 2/3 of my blog sidebar.

I asked commenters to name their favorite response to this billboard:

I’m new to this whole “let’s nominate people” thing, so I take full responsibility for the fact that only one person was nominated. ONE PERSON WAS NOMINATED THOUGH, and that person was Kevin with his response:

“Jesus is …imaginary.”

So Kevin is our first – the first ever – Biodork Sloganeer.

The next award goes to a brilliantly funny response to this sign:

It was decided immediately that kagekiri’s answer was incredibly full of win:

Try Jesus*

*Jesus does not work for everyone. If you fail to see results after your conversion, you may experience victim-blaming and accusations of the failure being your fault.

Side effects of Jesus may include bigotry, self-righteous delusions, distorted views of reality, and martyr-complexes.

Do not take Jesus if you’re using reason, rationality, skepticism, or a desire for truth, as these medications will interfere with the efficacy of Jesus. Remember: Jesus is not a substitute for clear thinking or actually seeking medical attention when required.

Jesus is not approved by the FDA for use on children, the elderly, the grieving, or others prone to emotional manipulation and dogmatic brainwashing. Please use Jesus responsibly.

Jesus may cause extreme guilt and nihilistic self-hatred, and can lead to impotence and sexual shame. Please consult your local skeptic to see if Jesus is right for you.

Welcome Kevin and kagekiri – the first, but hopefully not last, of the Biodork Sloganeers!

This is post 39 of 49 in the SSAweek Biodork Blogathon. Donate to the SSA today! Read more about my reader challenges here.

Biodork Sloganeers

I get an award.

Regular reader and bloggess of dark urban fantasy, Alannah has awardified me with an award:

I think that’s a nice way to say that this blog is all over the effin board in regard to content. But that’s how we roll over here at Biodork. I’m a jack of all trades, master of none. I know a little about a lot of things. Insert other cliches here.

So per the “rules” of this chain-letter type award I’m supposed to nominate some other blogs and tell you some things about myself. I can do that. I’m always running across exciting new blogs and adding to my blogroll, so this is a good opportunity to pass on some well-deserved kudos for blogs well-written.

Here ye, here ye! I now award The Versatile Blogger Award to – drum roll please! –

I Want to Unfold – Life, Laughter and Music written by an adventurous wander and seeker of knowledge and new experiences. Michelle is an avid music fan, musician and music writer for

Almost Diamonds – One of my newer finds, but Almost Diamonds has been around since 2007. The author writes skeptically about skeptical topics and skepticism, AND she breaks up the tide of serious topics with stories, personal experiences and funny videos and other internet gems.

And two oldy but goodies: I’ve reblogged articles from Blag Hag and Le Cafe Witteveen before, and they’re probably two of the blogs that I’ve been reading since I stumbled into the blog0sphere.

Blag Hag is the very definition of versatile and is a very popular blogger, especially since her Boobquake event in 2010.  Aside from very serious and well-written pieces about feminism, atheism and equality (to name a few) she also share stories about her experiences in grad school, her life in apartment hell, geeky gamer stuff, her speaking engagements, and funny stories from the internet.

Le Cafe Witteveen is written by a Chicago-based professional photographer and videographer. Aside from sharing some of his and his partner’s gorgeous professional and personal artwork, he often writes very thought pieces about his journey from young evangelical leader to rabid, baby-eating atheist. And he’s not above sharing a good poop joke now and then.

And some stuff about me:

  • I like magnets a lot. If I get no other souvenier from a journey, I will at least get a magnet to throw on the side of my fridge as a reminder of the places I’ve been.
  • I love to fiddle with things. Give me a toy that I can put together and take apart and manipulate while I’m watching TV or having a conversation and I’m pleased as punch.
  • I am a conversation interupter and highly enthusiastic. I’ve had to train myself out of this one because it is F&CK*NG annoying. I do slip up now and then, though. I am also an excellent listener. When I’m not interrupting you with my own thoughts, that is.
  • I still have trouble believing Penn and Teller’s Recycling episode.
  • I am one of the geekiest geeks I know who hasn’t seen 2001: A Space Odyssey. It looks really, really boring and I haven’t made myself watch it yet.
  • I have 15 blog posts started and sitting in my drafts folder. Gotta get to those.
  • I save twitter posts to my Favorites with every intention of going back and reading them and then removing them from the Favorites list. So far I have 1648 tweets in that list.

K, that’s enough of that. No more state secrets for you guys – who knows where they’ll end up?

I get an award.

Ah, so it’s one of *those* days.

I doodled this last year right before Christmas break started.  Now, three days into the new work year, it looks like things are picking up right where they left off.

I signed it because I know you guys are sneaky bastards and would otherwise steal this fine art and claim it as your own. 

Ah, so it’s one of *those* days.

I’m going places, baby.

Thank you to Alannah, owner of Here Be Dragons, for my first ever blog award 🙂 She has bequeathed unto me the “You’re Going Places, Baby” award.

Per her site, the rules for passing on this chain letter, errr…award, are as follows:

1) Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.
2) Share 7 things about yourself.
3) Pass the award along to 5 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic for whatever reason!
4) Contact the bloggers you’ve picked and let them know about the award.


Thank you, Alannah, from Here Be Dragons.  I’m glad that you enjoy reading my blog – I enjoy your visits and commenter participation!

Seven things about myself:  I like comics, waterparks, kayaking, hiking, reading, watching movies, traveling to Italy.  For more info, please refer to biodork blog

Five bloggers I’ve recently discovered and who I think fantastic for whatever reason.  Recently discovered?  Hmmm… I’ve recently discovered several new blogs, but there are only two that I really would like to rave about right now.

1) MostlyGrocery – I have enjoyed the regular postings of PK Wynn describing his trials, tribulations and occasional triumphs as a grocery store clerk.  His stories are always good for a laugh, a groan or a grumble.

2) A Flash of Inspiration – What happens when found art meets creativity, hangs out at storytelling and then runs headlong into a blog?  Why, it’s Dennis Finocchiaro’s site, A Flash of Inspiration.  Every day Dennis’s readers are treated to new prose or short (like, one-sentence) stories inspired by old photographs and other wisps of ephemera.

And while I’m on the topic of blog adverts, I’m also excited by a couple of blogs that I’ve only really, really recently started watching:

Feministe:  This blog is made of up several contributors and claims to be “one of the oldest feminist blogs online designed by and run by women from the ground up.”  Oops, I missed it.  But I found it now!

Geek Feminism: I’m really, geekily excited by this one.  This is another group of women writing together, and the topics look fabulous – science fiction, gaming, science and technology, politics and all things feminism. 

So, that’s it.  Thanks again, Alannah – and you guys check out the awesome blogs listed above.  You know, because it’s summer and beautiful outside, and who’d want to be out doing active summer activities when you could spend more time inside staring at a computer screen?

I’m going places, baby.

I'm going places, baby.

Thank you to Alannah, owner of Here Be Dragons, for my first ever blog award 🙂 She has bequeathed unto me the “You’re Going Places, Baby” award.

Per her site, the rules for passing on this chain letter, errr…award, are as follows:

1) Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.
2) Share 7 things about yourself.
3) Pass the award along to 5 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic for whatever reason!
4) Contact the bloggers you’ve picked and let them know about the award.


Thank you, Alannah, from Here Be Dragons.  I’m glad that you enjoy reading my blog – I enjoy your visits and commenter participation!

Seven things about myself:  I like comics, waterparks, kayaking, hiking, reading, watching movies, traveling to Italy.  For more info, please refer to biodork blog

Five bloggers I’ve recently discovered and who I think fantastic for whatever reason.  Recently discovered?  Hmmm… I’ve recently discovered several new blogs, but there are only two that I really would like to rave about right now.

1) MostlyGrocery – I have enjoyed the regular postings of PK Wynn describing his trials, tribulations and occasional triumphs as a grocery store clerk.  His stories are always good for a laugh, a groan or a grumble.

2) A Flash of Inspiration – What happens when found art meets creativity, hangs out at storytelling and then runs headlong into a blog?  Why, it’s Dennis Finocchiaro’s site, A Flash of Inspiration.  Every day Dennis’s readers are treated to new prose or short (like, one-sentence) stories inspired by old photographs and other wisps of ephemera.

And while I’m on the topic of blog adverts, I’m also excited by a couple of blogs that I’ve only really, really recently started watching:

Feministe:  This blog is made of up several contributors and claims to be “one of the oldest feminist blogs online designed by and run by women from the ground up.”  Oops, I missed it.  But I found it now!

Geek Feminism: I’m really, geekily excited by this one.  This is another group of women writing together, and the topics look fabulous – science fiction, gaming, science and technology, politics and all things feminism. 

So, that’s it.  Thanks again, Alannah – and you guys check out the awesome blogs listed above.  You know, because it’s summer and beautiful outside, and who’d want to be out doing active summer activities when you could spend more time inside staring at a computer screen?

I'm going places, baby.