Weekend Wasted, but lovely just the same

I didn’t get any writing done this weekend.  I’m still feeling poorly.  I’m not sure what it is.  I have a history of unreliable health, but I’ve got a doctor appointment Wednesday.  Hopefully that’ll clear up whatever this is.  I’m just dizzy and woozy.  Which makes writing sort of hard, in that it makes thought difficult.

I mean, and I’m lazy, so there’s that.  I did talk a bit with F who has some thoughts for Bible Con.  We made up a stupid joke about Christians being like gay people — the only groups you just have to claim membership and you’re in.  You love Jesus?  You’re in.  You love other men?  You’re out.  Ah, it was funny at the time anyway — helped that we were at In-and-out.  Still working on that setup.

Other than that I pretty much played board games, slept, and went grocery shopping.  Oh, and expended way too much mental energy on this webseries gig that may or may not happen.  I’m hoping that it does, but if so, it may eat up any and all of my free time.  So that whole writing thing might be put on hold for a while.

I keep trying really hard not to get my hopes up for Nicholl.  I just don’t want to set myself up for disappointment.  It just would be so nice to be able to write.  And to have a little more money to live off of.  I am hemorrhaging my savings.


We didn’t actually play Pandemic (best game ever) this weekend.  I bought a new game called Space Alert! It has a goofy voice that tells you what to do.  It’s crazy and awesome and reminds me of Galaxy Quest.  I’m excited that it’s my first official board game purchase.  I’m a big fan of cooperative games.

Weekend Wasted, but lovely just the same


There is a site called inktip that sells itself as a destination for writers to get their screenplays read by Bonafide Agents, Producers, Developers, etc.  I’ve been a psuedo-member for about a year now, but never bothered to actually e-mail in my signature, because I got the newsletter just the same.

Today, I’ve broken down, my curiosity has got the better of me, and I’ve spent the $60 to have my script listed there for 6 months.  It’s not yet posted, but I’ll keep you up to date.  I’m curious as to how it works.


Sick, Job Worries

Ugh.  I partially hope it’s swine flu.  But not really.  I’m just woozy, it’s my main symptom.

There are some cool things in the works career wise, including a web series that I may be able to edit/color correct the entire series and be paid.  I might even get to DP, which would be exciting, I miss DPing.  But, the contracts are in negotiation, so I don’t wanna jinx it by saying too much.  The people are really cool and I’m hoping to get their input on my Nicholl script at some point, probably after the next draft.

Max Adams, the girl who is one of the more famous (and cutest) Nicholl winners and who, weirdly, shares a name with a guy I went to Film School with and who holds the record for worst punishment ever at West Point, is also on Word Press.  I hold secret hopes that this post is about me, though I’m sure it probably isn’t.

There’s some mild chaos at work in my department, I’m hoping it gets resolved in a way that doesn’t lead to me losing my job.  I’d much rather leave for a better job than desperately search for any job that’ll have me.  If you got here because I sent you my resume, hi and welcome!

I’ve gotten nothing but sleeping and lazing about done in the last few days.  I’ve been watching an unbelievable amount of movies and documentaries about Tudor England.  I’d be hard pressed to explain my obsession but I’ll go ahead and blame the fact that I thought I looked like Queen Elizabeth as a child.

swine flu

Sick, Job Worries

Researching Mormons

My re-write has come to a complete halt at page 7 because I’m writing a Mormon character and don’t feel like I know quite enough about LDS to be able to plot her exactly.  She’s nebulous.  I may skip over her scenes and come back, but I hate doing that.  In this re-write, her struggle with her secret Mormonism is meant to be a defining characteristic.  Unfortunately, I don’t know any Mormons who’ve married regular ol’ Christian folks, so I have to scour the internet for personal recollections.  On the one hand, thank FSM for the Google, on the other, it’s a time suck google is my dear and glorious leader.


Researching Mormons

She leans in conspiratorially

I’m 6 pages into a revision/rewrite.  The first act isn’t changing much, so that’s going pretty quickly.  The title of this post is a phrase that appears probably ten times in my script.  It’s always something.  Strangely, I totally missed this and it took F reading and commenting for me to see how often it’s used.

Now, I’m off to Mormon up a character.

God Listens to Slayer!

She leans in conspiratorially

The Bio

I’m not really sure how people make a blog a destination site.  I guess it’s got to be insightful about the process or something.  Like, writing about work.

I guess I’ll just go for the light introduction.  I got an MFA from FSU in Film Production in 2008.  Before that, I started working on films in Atlanta as an undergrad at Emory University.  The first film I worked on I volunteered for a professor and soon-to-be thesis adviser known as Evan Lieberman.  He’s now in some Yankee state making movies and professing.

Continue reading “The Bio”

The Bio