Old School Harassment

Whenever I have something to say about Dawkins that isn’t hugely complimentary, I expect some harassment, and I get it. I did not expect the comment that showed up this morning.

Okay, that’s not quite true. I expected the long, rambling part where the commenter couldn’t tell the difference between saying aborting a fetus you don’t want to carry to term is okay a claiming it’s the one right thing to do. I expected the petty butchering of FtBloggers’ names. I expected the anti-social justice vitriol. I expected to be called fat.

I just didn’t expect this.

Screen capture of a penis poorly constructed from text.

The WordPress-converted emoticons were an extra special touch.

And that wasn’t even all of it. It was, shall we say, insufficient. The ASCII penis was enhanced, in a manner of speaking, by copying the last several lines of text.

Full version of the text-drawn penis, twice the length of the original.

No, I’m not mad. I’m sad that on top of this guy (yes, by the name, this is a guy) being unable to comprehend or construct an argument, he can’t even manage to construct a competent proxy penis with which to harass me.

Dawkins, you need better “defenders”.

Old School Harassment

24 thoughts on “Old School Harassment

  1. 5

    .--.      .--..---.  .---.    ____   ,---------.            ____     
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  2. 11

    @3 yes!! exactly! that’s exactly what that looks like. I was having trouble placing it, but clearly. Now, we just need a “sooty” and we’re all good to go. What. a. douche. canoe.

  3. 13

    Also, I have never understood the whole “here is a penis thing”. Is it a rape threat? Is it “I have a penis so my comments are valid”. Is the mere sight of a penis supposed to cow a women so much that she will return to her proper silence? Or is it the sight of a penis is so horrifying to anyone that it is the ultimate weapon of terror?

    I find it is like the Mens Right attitude “I desperately want sex but any women I can have sex with is a whore, who I despise.” Like I say, confusing.

  4. 15

    Jesseneedham @9,

    Yes! That’s what I saw, too. (Except I only see one arm, with the walking stick.) The bearded old man might be wearing a beret, as well.

    The second picture is just a feeble attempt to make a new “long old man is long” meme. Maybe that’s just the “artist’s” way of saying Dawkins sent him.

  5. 22

    I thought it was Snidely the Dog (perhaps snickering at SZ…) But it’s been years, and when I looked up Snidely I saw that he was a little rounder than I remember. Plus he has a face.

  6. 23

    Does this really qualify as harassment? That’s embarrassing. The level of “harassment fail” in this is so strong that I think it almost qualifies as being anti-harassment.

    Note to douchebros: Never go full comic relief.

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