A TED Fellow

Over at Dubito Ergo Sum, Tom Foss has a lovely post about a bizarre notion:

This would make for a great game of spot the fallacy, wouldn’t it? Farley lists all these qualifications, but none of them are “noted anti-spam crusader” or “longtime anti-bigotry activist,” not that those would be excuses either. See, none of these qualifications are inconsistent with “abusive […] anti-feminists, MRAs, or all-round assholes” or “annoying and irritating”3. It’s possible to be an Emmy and Golden Globe award-winning comedian and also be an annoying asshole who delights in baiting feminists with disingenuous arguments, just as it’s possible to be a Ph.D. biochemist who believes in intelligent design. This is a pro hominem argument, an argument from false authority, that these people’s lofty credentials make them somehow incapable of being bigots, jerks, trolls, abusers, or just antagonistic assholes to specific groups of people.

You see, Tim Farley wrote a post suggesting that a group of people shouldn’t be listed on The Block Bot, even at Level 3 (Annoying), because they have done certain things:

  • A Research Fellow for a U.S. think-tank who is also deputy editor of a national magazine, and author of numerous books
  • A Consultant for Educational Programs for a U.S. national non-profit
  • A long-time volunteer for the same national non-profit
  • An organizer for a state-level skeptic group in the US
  • A past president of a state-level humanist group in the US
  • A former director of a state-level atheist group in the US
  • An Emmy and Golden Globe award winning comedian
  • A TED Fellow
  • Co-founder of a well known magazine of philosophy and author of several books
  • A philosopher, writer and critic who has authored several books

Now, as someone who has some of those people blocked myself, and who was already shaking my head at a few people who claimed to want to sue the BBC over the NewsNight segment on The Block Bot, some of those jumped out at me. And while Tom’s post does a very good job of talking about why Farley’s reasoning on this list is fallacious (seriously, go read it), I’m firmly in the camp of providing positive evidence as well. I tend to agree with Amanda Marcotte that making people look at this stuff is one of the more important things we can do. So, without further ado, let’s tackle one of these.

Screen capture of Sara Mayhew's Twitter profile, showing that, yes, she is a TED fellow.
Yes, Sara Mayhew is a TED fellow. She is also on The Block Bot, listed as “annoying”, and is among those who were threatening to sue…someone.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

@ool0n @Verklagekasper Have me on your immature list, sure…but take it to the BBC where they promote it as worst of the slime? 1/2

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

@ool0n @Verklagekasper my name is on your list which accuses me of being an abuser and now nationally associated w/ rape treats. LAWYER UP!

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

I wonder if @bbcnewsnight knows their troll story w/ @ool0n features a list which slanders my name and many others. #libel

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

If @bbcnewsnight researched @ool0n‘s blockbot list they’d find out that Atheist+ ppl call me “fucking idiot” “lying fuckface” “chill girl”

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Did @bbcnewsnight promote @The_Block_Bot on national TV w/o checking if it’s slanderous. Britain isn’t known for libel—oh wait!

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

The @The_Block_Bot prominently lists my name as an abuser, slandering my image, and @bbcnewsnight promoted it http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-23516704 … #libel

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

RT @Whoozley A group of alleged “freethinkers” offering new members a method of preemptively blocking dissenting opinion deserves ridicule and contempt.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

RT @Whoozley If you’ve also been publicly tarred by @BBCNewsnight w/same brush as people making rape threats you can complain here http://www.bbc.co.uk/complaints/

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

RT @reedes I’m appalled to see friends like @badrescher placed in same category as threat-sending trolls. Shame on @bbcnewsnight http://bit.ly/15doWJ2 [She isn’t. Drescher is also listed as “annoying”.]

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

@reedes @paulmasonnews I’m in the top 10 in that list; I’ve spoken at TED; put on that list by women who bullied me! @BBCNewsnight

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

The blockbot by @ool0n isn’t a tool against trolls, it’s a twitter “burn book” by ppl acting like Mean Girls. @paulmasonnews @BBCNewsnight

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

RT @krelnik NEW POST: Skeptools blog reviews The Block Bot and finds it somewhat lacking in its current form. http://wp.me/pgBak-1Ai  #ReportAbuse

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

RT @DoubtfulNews The Block Bot is unsuitable for general use in its present form http://wp.me/pgBak-1Ai  via @krelnik CC: @bbcnewsnight

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Good on @paulmasonnews for responding to Block Bot issues http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-23533566 … My name is displayed in top 10 list!

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Looks like @ool0n changed BlockBot’s list. When @bbcnewsnight aired, it had me 8th in top ten “abusers”. pic.twitter.com/qGZH31PB9m [Note that this is a list that ranks people by number of people following them, not by abusive behavior. That makes her 10th most popular with the blocked.]

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

.@paulmasonnews Even though I’m lvl 3, the Block Bot had my name listed 8th of top 10 “abusers” when your show aired: pic.twitter.com/YucxGD6oOi [Same list.]

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

The bio for @The_Block_Bot calls itself a list of “anti-feminist bigots and fools”, @paulmasonnews. I’m on it. Girl-power comic creator! [Actual quote: “Helping you to ignore the anti-feminists, bigots and fools on Twitter”]

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

The BlockBot had a “Kred” ranking when @BBCNewsnight aired which lumped my name in top ten. @paulmasonnews pic.twitter.com/HaMwheti2D [Same list, now showing the description.]

Your mileage may vary on whether you find that string of tweets annoying, but what else was Sara doing while she was complaining?

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

CFI DC director @MelodyHensley continues to make accusations. Never apologized for her sexist remarks about me. http://twitter.com/MelodyHensley/status/363107999830646784

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

CFI Dir @MelodyHensley is a leader who makes non-anonymous comments that neg impact real-life experiences of others. http://j.mp/14mBQFz

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Does @bbcnewsnight know they paint @rebeccawatson as a victim but she bullies other women, like me; saying I’m “dumbest person on twitter”.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

DON’T FEED THE TROLLS is a thing for a reason. Feed ALWAYS makes them stronger! #idjits

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Twitter has a way to deal with trolls; a block button. #idjits

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Bloggers like @pzmyers don’t want you to ignore trolls because that’s what drives his content.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

sexist stereotype-> @hyperdeath128k@ool0n Sara’s threatening legal action. Expect a court summons filled w/ selfies & decorated w/ glitter.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Just posted a photo http://instagram.com/p/ccxxAns1cG/

I can’t imagine why anyone would want to block her, the way she tweets directly at the people she’s insulting. But, you know, that was what she did after she decided she’d been labeled an “abuser”. What did she do before that?

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

“Snark is the idiot version of wit”. Didn’t @pzmyers say @rebeccawatson is Queen of Snark? @WillMcAvoyACN pinned down why I find it inane.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

More examples of Freethought Blogs and @skepchicks being unskeptical http://uberfeminist.blogspot.com/2013/07/waving-dildo-for-social-justice.html  #ftbullies #feminism #skepchickcon

Tweets from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

So over the FTB/Skepchick drama mongering. It’s so over. New dawn for skepticism since they’ve boycotted themselves into the ground.

Skepchicks prolly don’t hear of the women who come up to speakers like me and say they’re too scared to voice disagreement w/ their views.

Agree with me or not, you don’t have to be “scared” of saying so. This isn’t true with FTB/Skepchicks drama bloggers.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

RT @laurenarankin Amanda Marcotte dismisses intersectionality, and her brand of feminism will not only fail, but will likely cause harm. [This isn’t Mayhew’s normal style of retweeting, and I can’t find the original tweet. I don’t know what’s supposed to have happened here.]

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

RT @emeryemeryii I’ve said it before but it’s certainly worth repeating! Atheist+ leads to Atheism÷, and you can quote me on that.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Me too! RT @HeatherHenderso: I’m a woman, I’m a skeptic and I feel safe at TAM. #tam2013

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

RT @IDoubtIt We have no drama this year at #tam2013 IT’S BEEN LOVELY!!!!

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Amazing how unscientific @pzmyers is. @sapinker (via @Evolutionistrue) on how wrong #Skepchickcon EvoPsych was: http://whyevolutionistrue.wordpress.com/2013/07/07/a-defense-of-evolutionary-psychology-mostly-by-steve-pinker/

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

@VitaBrevi@FizzixNerd@sondosia Watson might not have called me troll. She said I’m “the dumbest person on twitter. And “fucking stupid”.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

@FizzixNerd@ImprobableJoe@VitaBrevi@sondosia Watson called me names implied Dr. Hall smelled. She’s classic schoolyard bully.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Paper dolls, test tube shots, homemade necklaces with sparkles—Conference or sleepover for adult children? [This is a reference to activities at SkepchickCon, a science and skepticism track at CONvergence. The paper dolls were a children’s activity. The “homemade necklaces with sparkles” are a reference to Surly-Ramics.]

Tweets from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

RT @telomericfusion I can’t wait for this pile of shit to go on youtube http://psych0drama.blogspot.co.uk/2013/07/convergence-panel-on-ep-part-one.html

Wow, #SkepchickCon is such a safe and affordable looking space… http://moby.to/fwt2yu  (=_=)

Lol homg RT @RichardReed84: This is the #FTBullies “party room”, and definitely not a scene from a Saw movie :/ http://moby.to/fwt2yu

No evolutionary psychologist for Evo Psych panel, but they have a room with mixologist! #skepchickcon #priorities

Of course #skepchickcon wouldn’t have an evolutionary psychologist on their Evo Psych panel. That might cause real discourse to happen… [The Block Bot is designed, in part, to remove static from people who use conference hashtags as a means of harassing attendees they don’t like.]

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

The self-serving damage @rebeccawatson inflicts on skepticism is truly worth a boycott, if only she created/did real things to boycott.

Tweets from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

@RichSandersen I Almost care about Stephanie Zirconia… [That would be me, or whatever version of me Sara keeps in her head.]

You get hate mail b/c you act like an asshole. MT @rebeccawatson: thinking about difference between adequate apologies & awesome apologies.

Tweets from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

saramayhew: Point of Inquiry leaves CFI. @chriscmooney chooses ideology and producer Adam Isaak’s personal politics (@rebeccawatson) over skepticism.

@magicthighs: @saramayhew @chriscmooney Ah, so that’s what you call having integrity. Also, what the hell does @rebeccawatson have to do with this?

@saramayhew: @magicthighs Producer dates her?

Tweets from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Dawkins demonstrates nice example of not feeding trolls by not answering question about Rebecca Watson http://dlvr.it/3Z7jMj [Wired reporters are now, apparently, trolls.]

Rebecca Watson has proven she’ll use any media opportunity to bash skepticism, so the less people like Dawkins say about her, the better.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

RT @IDoubtIt Pick your friends and associates carefully. They may be delusional.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Is it not a bit of a conflict of interest for Point of Inquiry producer Adam Isaak to move podcast from CFI? @chriscmooney @rebeccawatson

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Teen Skepchick @katiekish leaves Skepchick Network http://j.mp/11RnftF  because of @rebeccawatson and @skepchicks negativity.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Skepticon decision based on politics, not skeptic common ground; 1 more reason why it shouldn’t be called “skepti” http://j.mp/17nc7xq

Tweets from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

@OpheliaBenson @hyperdeath128k She started bullying me as soon as I started being a TAM speaker. Lied to my face at Eschaton.

.@OpheliaBenson @hyperdeath128k I tried to bury the hatchet, but Ophelia feigned ignorance, then blogged that I “cornered” and harassed her.

Tweets from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

On ONE of @opheliabenson‘s blog posts a simple page search reveals my name mentioned 58 times. But I’M obsessed… [That would be this post, most likely.]

@OpheliaBenson @MsMondegreen It’s a simple ctrl-f. Shows word count. Benson puts much more effort into collecting and logging her paranoia.

Tweets from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Egocentric @opheliabenson obsessively collects any mention of herself. Also, saying “hi” = being cornered. #paranoidpic.twitter.com/GeYdAxuqV0

#egocentric@OpheliaBenson thinks @rebeccawatson & @gretachristina cutting what few ties they had to skepticism is an exodus. #narcissists


Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Calling for a boycott of @JREF @center4inquiry and @RDFRS is the most egocentric piece of stupidity @rebeccawatson has ever posted.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

@SatansParakeet Skepticon doesn’t get A list speakers like Tyson, Nye, Krauss, Dawkins, Tavris. And gives platform for crays like Marcotte.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

@SatansParakeet Skepticon isn’t the same quality as TAM CSICon NECSS Skeptical. It doesn’t have big names, podcasts.

@SatansParakeet Skepticon has Amanda Marcotte speaking, which is typical of the kind of d-list bloggers they put on their lineup.

@SatansParakeet TAM gets quality programming: from qualified and high profile speakers, to evening entertainment.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

I thought @pzmyers left skepticism; why is he talking about TAM/Skepticon? Oh RIGHT—he’ll say anything for blog hits. #DramaLlama

Drama blogger @pzmyers fake rage-quits skepticism then is faux-concerned about skeptic event ad. #sad #DramaLlama

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

150 women strong. Please sign if you consider yourself a woman in secularism, and/or skeptic, atheist. http://skepticwomen.com [The petition created by the women of the slime pit. It’s now 174 women strong, or 173 female skeptics and “Michelle Malkin”.]

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Encouraging women in skepticism to sign. Add your voice to those against divisive tactics http://skepticwomen.com

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Signed b/c I’m tired of intimidating & divisive tactics used by bloggers like @rebeccawatson @pzmyers @opheliabenson http://www.skepticwomen.com/welcome-statement

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

She tweets like a 12yr old-> @rebeccawatson: I’d be all “HEY GURL YOU WANNA SUCK IT HA HA” and then I’d orgasm while high-fiving my bros [Here are Rebecca’s original tweets on the matter.]

Tweets from Rebecca Watson. Text provided in the post.

If I woke up tomorrow & I was magically a dude, 1st thing I’d do is go out & shout at women on the street cuz you guys make that look SO fun

I’d be all “HEY GURL YOU WANNA SUCK IT HA HA” as she looked angry and sad and then I’d orgasm while high-fiving my bros. Great times.

Also on another topic entirely I just won a Nobel Peace Prize for not bashing a $7 bottle of wine over some bro’s head today.

Back to Sara.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

I signed. I believe those who disagree w/ the narrative of @skepchicks #FtB #atheismplus haven’t been heard: http://j.mp/184cYDi

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

RT @BridgetGaudette A statement by Skeptic Women http://www.skepticwomen.com/welcome-statement

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

RT @badrescher Wah, wah, wah, wah… The lastest thing is post after post, letter after letter, petition after petition, tweet… http://fb.me/1jyEKm96J [Drescher is also at Level 3 on The Block Bot.]

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

If you consider yourself a woman in skepticism, please consider signing and sharing http://www.skepticwomen.com/welcome-statement

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

IcanDoBoth! RT @MsMondegreen @aratina “Has Mayhew ever drawn anything original?” She’s too busy hating on others & pretending she’s a victim

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

I talk about creating stories that promote skepticism. It’s why I’m a TEDFellow. @eqvlncprinciple @MistressOfFrog @OpheliaBenson @pzmyers

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

@OpheliaBenson @MistressOfFrog @micknugent @pzmyers @rebeccawatson experts should be speaking about social justice claims, not bloggers.

@OpheliaBenson @MistressOfFrog @micknugent bloggers who are neither academics nor activists should not be speakers.

@MistressOfFrog @OpheliaBenson @micknugent @pzmyers @rebeccawatson not on a stage making claims.

rebeccawatson @MistressOfFrog @OpheliaBenson @micknugent @pzmyers next time, bow out of pseudoscience panel w/ zero scientists/doctors. [Like James Randi, Ben Radford, Joe Nickell, Jon Ronson…should I go on?]

.@MistressOfFrog @OpheliaBenson @micknugent @pzmyers I’m sorry I suggested conferences have speakers with credentials in topic.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

#wiscfi Ophelia Benson constantly makes false accusations of stalking/harassment; doesn’t understand negative impact on other women. [Oh, look, another conference hashtag.]

I guess @micknugent doesn’t realise that @OpheliaBenson @pzmyers @rebeccawatson are pseudoskeptic faux feminists who bully secular women.

Clue to organisers @micknugent, proper academics tend to turn down speaking in lineups w/ @OpheliaBenson @pzmyers @rebeccawatson as guests.

Secular/Atheist events should stick to experts in social sciences rather than pseudoceleb bloggers @pzmyers @OpheliaBenson @rebeccawatson.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Says I only parrot men, @pzmyers is a sexist, lying, waste of atoms. Intellectual poser compensating for his academic mediocrity. [I wonder who she got that idea from.]

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Oh wow, instead of taking responsibility for failure to make #wiscfi accessible to visually impaired, @MelodyHensley does “damage control”.

All @ralindsay did was give a speech. @MelodyHensley failed to make #wiscfi accessible; resulting in physical barriers. No one cares?

Hensley had him “update” it http://j.mp/12ERZQo  #wiscfi RT @emilyhasbooks: Hadn’t heard about accessibility issues.

@Kardashev1 @ElevatorGATE @RALindsay @MelodyHensley http://www.hofstader.com/invisible_blind_man

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Ron Lindsay makes a speech and ppl want him sacked, but #wiscfi organizer Melody Hensley fails basic event accessibility: *silence* [“Silence” like this from that morning.]

What about SUAL? #wiscfi RT @MelodyHensley: @pzmyers Hope this is updated as I talked to Chris & a lot of things left out/inaccurate.

SUAL? Instead of taking responsibility for her fails, @MelodyHensley wants Hofstader to update “inaccuracies” http://www.hofstader.com/invisible_blind_man  #wiscfi [No, the response was hardly “instead of”, and even that was before the first tweet in this set.]

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

#wiscfi Organizer @MelodyHensley ignored needs of visually impaired, unprofessionally cries in front of them, wants “inaccuracies” fixed.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

@justinvacula no offence, dude, but I don’t *know* you. So why do ppl keep associating us?

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Missing from #wiscfi was a discussion of how women in secularism are bullied by OTHER women. Sexist terms like “chill girl”.

What about @skepchicks brand “Reality never looked so good”: idea that puts pressure on women to be smart AND sexy? #wiscf #RejectedTopics

RT @rjblaskiewicz Calling for someone’s job because you disagree with them is something that wackos do. This disgraces feminism and CFI needs to stand up.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Uses term “other side”. Her “side” calls ppl chill girls -> @Mowgli3: Not wanting to engage petty fights isn’t “shunning” or “tribalism.”

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

#shunning “listen or shut up”-> RT @Mowgli3: @saramayhew Yep, that’s what I did. Sure. Blocking you now, bye.

#wiscfi #shunning “listen or shut up”-> RT @Mowgli3: @saramayhew Yep, that’s what I did. Sure. Blocking you now, bye. [Because it just isn’t the same without the conference hashtag.]

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

#blamethevictim Dismissive -> RT @Mowgli3: @saramayhew @emilyhasbooks Sure, Sara. Whatever you say.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Why apologize to the queen of intemperate language, @rebeccawatson? #wiscfi . http://www.centerforinquiry.net/blogs/entry/statement_re_my_may_18_blog_post/ Stop feeding the Oprah of Skepticism.

I wrote CFI to let them know #wiscfi didn’t include the many female voices @rebeccawatson @MelodyHensley FTBers intimidate into silence.

RT @emilyhasbooks Shutup & Listen? No thanks. You can’t build bridges on such shaky ground. I prefer effective communication. “Be kind & talk” is my motto.

I wrote CFI to let them know #wiscfi didn’t include the many female voices @rebeccawatson @MelodyHensley FTBers intimidate into silence.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

#vaculamustdenounce Star Trek Into Darkness spoilers. [This hashtag isn’t for a conference but is a reaction to Dave Silverman telling Justin Vacula very publicly that he needs to denounce people who use inappropriate tactics against hi opponents if he wants any credibility. But why do people associate her with Vacula?]

#vaculamustdenounce the #vaculamustdenounce hastag!

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

@jeh704 I admit I’m powerless over engaging stupid people and my tweets have become unmanageable. #1stStep

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

@mavaddat @rebeccawatson http://www.saramayhew.com/blog/index.php/2013/01/why-is-rebecca-watson-acting-like-an-awful-person/

@uberfeminist @mavaddat @rebeccawatson Oh, and when she abused key note position to call out Stef McGraw, who had no platform for rebuttal.

@mavaddat Fair? So she can be a jerk to anyone she wants because some people send her hate mail?

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Atheism ≠ Science. Raëlians are atheists and naturalists. @pzmyers claims atheism is driven by naturalism.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

RT @Gurdur Blog: Crossing the Rubicon: #wiscfi Women In #Secularism confrnce: blog: http://heathen-hub.com/blog.php?b=1705 #feminism #atheism, #skepticism #humanism

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

In response to @jennifurret RT @dELYSEious: Vacula’s interview from #wiscfi will appear on the same site as this “women love being raped”article. http://bit.ly/10PY0IC

.@hashspamkiller @jennifurret @dELYSEious How. The. Fuck. Do you NOT see your logical fallacy? #guiltbyassociation #poisonwell #skepticfail [That site would be A Voice for Men, which exists to argue against feminism, so any interview published there serves that purpose, or it would not be published. Don’t get me wrong, the people there are icky too, as are the other articles. However, the objection here is sound, even if it takes a little thinking to figure that out. See the fallacy fallacy.]

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

.@pzmyers @szvan @dELYSEious poisoning the well #nameThatLogicalFallacy #skepticfail [No, really, Sara. Helping male supremacists is a bad thing all on its own.]

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

.@rebeccawatson Nobody on twitter called you Oprah but me and I don’t hate you. I just think your work is harmful self-serving drama #wiscfi

Lie-> “@rebeccawatson #WISCFI My haters on Twitter: “OMG Rebecca says she’s Oprah Winfrey!”” Search twitter: ZERO ppl said this.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Meangirl has burn book; @AmandaMarcotte If secularist movt cont. to support Ron Lindsay, I’ll publicly write them off as irrelevant #WISCFI [Because women don’t have principled objections?]

RT @SecularlyYours @RALindsay Also, it IS true that ANYONE who disagrees with @rebeccawatson & co. WILL get shunned by them. So much for inclusive “feminism.” [Or it might have something to do with you calling people “Watsonistas”. Just a thought.]

The Oprah Winfrey of Skepticism™ http://j.mp/14lr9Pu

The Oprah Winfrey of Skepticism™ http://j.mp/14lr9Pu  #wiscfi #skepticism [Guess who owns and protects a trademark. Also, just have to get in that conference hashtag.]

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Plenty of women in secularism agree with @RAlindsay but are too intimidated by the Oprah Winfrey of Skepticism™

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

“Feminist” @pzmyers says I don’t form my own opinions, just parrot men. http://bit.ly/188KrZP  It’s @MelodyHensley‘s old “chill girl” tune!

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

??? 「(゚ペ) RT @AmandaMarcotte: It’s not actually a human right to bother and harass people because they’re less awful than you.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Many are bullied out by you, Rebecca. @rebeccawatson: @RALindsay Meanwhile women are literally being bullied out of this movement. #wiscfi [Like?]

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

#wiscfi panel on Pseudoscience had 0 scientists. 1/23 speakers are scientists. 0 medical professionals. 0 gender studies academics.

If #wiscfi was going to conflate secularism and skepticism they could’ve found at least 1 woman working in science, 1 woman physician. No?

#wiscfi embarrasses women in secularism by not showcasing ANY women in STEM, or distinguished gender studies/social justice academics.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Strange that pseudo-celeb writer lectures about gender studies @rebeccawatson: Very strange to open #wiscfi w white male lecturing women

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Panel from #wiscfi pic.twitter.com/FbIp9jjeaQ [Go ahead. Click through on that.]

RT @Eshto Topics at #wiscfi are important, and the people who’ve decided they are the spokespeople for feminism (e.g. RW) take them LEAST seriously.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

I should start a conference with my friends as speakers, now that I know none of the panels needs experts/qualified speakers!

My doctor said I was hysterical, therefore, I’m qualified to say women are frequently ignored by doctors in general. Anecdote Academia! [Would you care to let us know why you’re qualified to argue that women aren’t underdiagnosed for things like gastrointestinal bleeds?]

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Minus those we’ve deemed “chill girls”. @Luarien “If we’re going to be successful at all, we need to care for each other.” @SurlyAmy #wiscfi

Block list includes many secular women. @SimonKnowz @rebeccawatson: If you wanna follow #wiscfi w/out seeing ppl harassing us use blockbot

@Luarien let me know when you figure out that Roth, Hensley, Watson, bully women and use gendered insults. They’re Mean Girls.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

RT @IDoubtIt The comments on #wiscfi piece goes to show this is currently not a topic conducive to cooperation of any sort. http://blog.chron.com/sacredduty/2013/05/female-atheists-fight-for-equality-in-freethought-movement/

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Trigger warnings are so patronizing.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

A fetish for drama: constant claims of “obsession” “harassment”. @rebeccawatson No, you get hate mail because you’re a mean asshole.

This is the Skepchick brand: http://youtu.be/gmLdaBTFtoA  @rebeccawatson invented the idea of women in skepticism being chicks. #wiscfi #fail

The @skepchicks brand created mess: http://youtu.be/gmLdaBTFtoA  Is it harassment to criticize an oil company for how they clean their own spill? [I worry about anyone who conflates sexual activity in which all the participants are smiling with sexual harassment and assault.]

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

When you say that ___ needs to be applied to skepticism, what you really want is that ideology protected FROM skepticism. [Or you understand that skepticism is always going to be incomplete as practiced like anything else and needs to be informed by other disciplines because those disciplines also provide data.]

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

That’s exactly what creeping is. RT @OpheliaBenson: @saramayhew It’s not “creeping” to check on what you’re saying about me. [As opposed to what you do to Rebecca Watson says, even when she isn’t talking about you?]

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Benson should stop creeping me if she doesn’t like my tweets. #dramaLlama

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Creeps me, removes a link where ppl can help send young skeptics to TAM in her RT of me. You a dick @OpheliaBenson pic.twitter.com/Jjp8ui15AU

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Jamy Ian Swiss “Skepticism 101” http://youtu.be/wbE5Kub3b5k  Skepticism for claims, Secular Humanism for ethics. What’s @pzmyers problem?

Old dramallamas pzmyers opheliabenson. Replace them w/ bright future skeptic leaders. Btw, I’m sending 6 to TAM2013 http://risingstar.saramayhew.com

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

‘Drescher, Shermer, Grothe, Novella. They’ve all kicked the * out of PZ’s flawed logic. Jamy too.’ RT @jamyianswiss: http://reapstruth.blogspot.com/2013/05/pz-myers-crys-yet-another-river.html

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Wut? Leaving a group you weren’t contributing to anyway? That’s like boycotting a conference you weren’t invited to speak at—oh…

RT @jamyianswiss Here is my talk, “Skepticism 101,” presented Saturday at the Orange County Freethought Alliance conference: http://youtu.be/UOzSLJmF9FY

New EAZY-PZ™ Busting formula! RT @jamyianswiss: Here is my talk, “Skepticism 101”: http://youtu.be/UOzSLJmF9FY

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

“A Motionless Movement” says Ophelia Benson. From someone who does zero writing, research, outreach, or popularising of skepticism.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

After long trial separation, PZ Myers divorces skepticism http://tinyurl.com/bo5zgrq

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Not understanding why one would be bothered by storify. Unless you’re bothered by reading your own tweets. [Refers to @ElevatorGATE, Level 1 on The Block Bot, “Super Slimy”. Calling himself an “investigative journalist, he has amassed thousands of conversations between and individual tweets from and about feminists on Storify along with everything else he’s done under various handles. There were 69 in the last hour as write this. The average, even with periods of inactivity is around 100 a day. But why should that bother anyone? It isn’t like it’s creeping or anything.]

Okay. That last tweet takes me to the beginning of May. So that’s three months, two conferences she didn’t attend with hashtags she still used, and 140 or so tweets and retweets captured here. There are actually more, but a lot of the nastiness is in conversations that would only make sense if I captured both sides. And I’m yawning. So from here, you start getting highlights.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Report real online stalking/harassment to ISPs. Using the terms irresponsibly like @pzmyers @opheliabenson hurts real victims. #ftbullies

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Cyber-stalking and harassment is a CRIME. @pzmyers @opheliabenson and other FTBers continue to accuse ppl of this crime. Irresponsible.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

#wiscfi is already an unwelcoming atmosphere thanks to @pzmyers @opheliabenson‘s decrees of who may approach them. Immature unprofessional. [They, and I, told Justin Vacula to leave us alone at the conference at which he had told other people we should have to answer his questions.]

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

..from Skepchicks. MT @AstrokidNJ: #skepchick “secular women can’t express unpopular views w/o receiving an avalanche of slurs & threats” [Ah, defamation.]

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Pros tryin to report on death of officer–make jokes! -> ‏@SurlyAmy an iPhone and occasional snacks…more affordable than “news” network

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Did @atheistalliance actually read the tactful article about what is/isn’t harassment or pulled link b/c of FtB Skepchick pressure? [Here’s the post AAI apologized for tweeting.]

@InMyUnbelief @atheistalliance B/c what it was was an explanation of what is and isn’t harassment. What part referenced women?

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

RT @IDoubtIt @chriscmooney Carol is indeed thoughtful and a hero of mine. I can not say either about Marcotte and was VERY disappointed in that episode. [That would be this episode.]

.@chriscmooney Disappointed @AmandaMarcotte would even be given a platform on the show. Tavris has expertise and tact.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Benson posts tweets I don’t tag her in, calls it monitoring and harassment. Who’s monitoring, vanity search queen? http://pulse.me/s/jHabj [The person who read the post about her and tweeted it?]


Rebecca Watson and Ophelia Benson should know better than to misuse claims of libel; intimidation tactic skeptics have fought against.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Shameful defending of sexist term: @SpokesGay: When I use the term “chill girl”, I’m not going to apologize for it. Nor will I condemn it.

The @CFI_DC Director @MelodyHensley still condones use of sexist term “chill girl”, used against speakers like me pic.twitter.com/Lr9TscMNxt [And what did you have to do to find this tweet?]

Use of sexist labels “chill girl” “sister punisher” by a CFI leader contributes to unwelcoming atmosphere for women in skepticism. @CFI_DC


@mirandachale @desertyard Oh gosh! You-Know-who really does have a vanity search! Say it, and Pineapple-Eaters apparate!

@rjblaskiewicz @mirandachale @desertyard Maybe she has a vanity search for Pineapples!

@IDoubtIt @desertyard @rjblaskiewicz @mirandachale I’m obsessed! With my 0 blog posts about her vs. her um… 4-6 about me?

@desertyard @IDoubtIt @rjblaskiewicz @mirandachale She gets traffic by manufactroversies. Unlike u guys who have real content to post about.

Ophelia Benson attempts link whoring of her site 4 times on RDF thread, fails, cries “war on information”. http://j.mp/Z6f1Mn

Ophelia Benson uses vanity search to find “drama” so she can ignore it and rise above. Aka, create drama to drive traffic to vapid blog.

I’m being twitter harassed! I can tell from my vanity search I constantly track! ヽ( ≧Д≦) ノ゚。゜waaah!

Really, I’m skipping stuff here, but that….

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

RT @IDoubtIt I think it’s juvenile to have a “conduct policy” for meetings and conferences.

RT @IDoubtIt Good news. Kylie leaves FTB. http://freethoughtblogs.com/tokenskeptic/2013/03/15/and-then-the-end/


Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

A @skepchicks post makes accusations about me. Banned if I wanted to defend myself. Remember that next time they talk about bullying. [That should be this post.]

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Rebecca Watson continues to falsely accuse me of libellous comments. Shameful intimidation tactic. http://j.mp/ZEskG1 #fauxskeptic

So if Rebecca Watson keeps falsely accusing me of libel, is THAT libel? Do I need a meta lawyer for libel libel?! #saylibelagain#libel

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Are you kidding? RT @SUICIDEBOMBS: “Pfft, she IS a Jew though.” – Rebecca Watson overheard at Pineapple Bar, Austin, TX. Talking about you?

@SUICIDEBOMBS srsly, this is a joke and not something actually overheard, right?

Ref to this? pic.twitter.com/Cj9gC4LjBk @SUICIDEBOMBS “Pfft, she IS a Jew though.” – @RebeccaWatson, OH at Pineapple Bar, Talking about you?

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

@dELYSEious @SpokesGay i sawry: me dumbest person on twitter, sayz woman who gets called twatson by hord of trolls.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

…meanwhile, at SXSW, Watson complains about teh internets…again. And makes stuff up…again.

With assholes on your site, your twitter, on reddit, in forums, and your email, at what point do you stop and wonder if you’re an asshole?

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Why is Rebecca Watson claiming her wiki was vandalised? http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Rebecca_Watson&action=history … no vandalism found… [Actually, try that link to her post a few tweets up. She links to the proof.]

Hey @rebeccawatson, THIS is called vandalism: pic.twitter.com/Cj9gC4LjBk

Coincidental edit mistake on @rebeccawatson wiki and she claims she’s vandalised and attacked by reddit users. #fauxskeptic #provocateur

If we don’t need proof for blaming who vandalised our wiki page, then I could say the @skepchicks did this to mine: pic.twitter.com/Cj9gC4LjBk

Rebecca Watson should’ve had all credibility in skepticism taken away back when she was banned for sock-puppetting on JREF.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Why Rebecca Watson Shouldn’t Be on a SXSW Panel About Reddit. http://j.mp/ZyvV8I

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

The problems with terms like woman scientist/skeptic, #skepchick, in The Finkbeiner Test: http://j.mp/YU7JO4

The problems with terms like woman scientist/skeptic, #skepchick, in The Finkbeiner Test: http://www.doublexscience.org/the-finkbeiner-test/

“emphasize a woman’s sex, you inevitably end up dismissing her science” http://www.doublexscience.org/the-finkbeiner-test/ – why I’m not a “woman skeptic”.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Learn to summarize someone else’s point instead of quoting huge blocks of text. Lazy blogging. Bad writing. Examples: @OpheliaBenson @szvan

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Wow, @pzmyers is an arsehole http://j.mp/127Hx8C  He’s an Internet gnome: a troll who doesn’t need to leave his own blog to stir drama.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Saying someone smells and is “gross”: juvenile bullying, demonstrated by @AmandaMarcotte http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/02/22/defending-ones-position-as-the-token-looks-bad-like-an-unwashed-t-shirt/#.USgO_L2LSCc.twitter

Really—grown adults @amandamarcotte @rebeccawatson‘s rebuttal to a t-shirt they don’t like is “eww gross, you smell” #schoolbullies


Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Haha! Passive aggression or selective memory? Skeptical storytelling through art: what an ORIGINAL idea! http://yfrog.com/kfedjyvj

I wonder what @surlyamy and @melodyhensley think ppl like @sciencecomic and @ZachWeiner do, too… http://yfrog.com/kfedjyvj

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Sorry, @pzmyers @OpheliaBenson @rebeccawatson aren’t “over it” b/c they aren’t done w/ slacktivist blogging about rape and social justice. [For anyone who doesn’t immediately recognize the reference.]

@humidpress @pzmyers @OpheliaBenson @rebeccawatson To slacktivists, standards are too high! Y’know, ppl who *do* things http://j.mp/XhU1oi

The @skepchicks will call each other “hero” over anything, but going beyond slacktivism is ‘too high a standard’ http://j.mp/XhU1oi

I’m going to fight fire w/ fire and Gangnam Style against slacktivism!

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

@uberfeminist @jennifurret @skepchicks @pzmyers Radford repeated feminist Eve Ensler’s “I am over rape” sentiment. Start PZ bullshitmachine

Skeptics have misogyny problem! But @skepchicks can look at my bf and say “I gotta get me one of those.” It’s ok b/c sexism is man->woman!

Have you noticed that nearly all manufactroversies in skepticism are caused by @PZmyers click-mongering Papa Feminism posts? #fauxskeptic

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Ben is repeating what Eve Ensler said http://j.mp/uSGHSy  Go back to biology, @pzmyers. #skepticfail #opportunisticOldmanNotHelping

@jennifurret He’s repeating what Eve Ensler said. CORRECT YOURSELF. Say sorry.

Rape apologist patriarchy creates MRA misogyny rape culture of online hate – p.s, disagree? You are a dumb slutty chill girl fuckface.

I’d have an easier time believing in straw-feminists, but it too often turns out they can talk and are made of meat.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

RT @telomericfusion Cowardly @The_Block_Bot is good for something, it is better at recommending follows than twitter. #ftbullies

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

@ologies it’s not about complaining. It’s the idea that tshirts and online msgs are attempts to silence women. [How about these online messages.]

@ologies false flags, DCMA takedowns and DDoS attacks are silencing attempts that u could compare to IRL silencing. Emails don’t silence

@ologies yes. No wonder. Because there’s a constant fear of being branded ‘the enemy’. Or guilt by association. [Like association with people on The Block Bot, which is so good for finding people to associate with.]

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

@EllenBethWachs I don’t run an org focused on feminism, then do nothing to improve the real world.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Oh, and I’m banned on their site and blocked by @skepchicks for no reason—no abuse, no hate, no spam. Just making tactful critique.

Here’s a pointless boycott: stop buying @rebeccawatson‘s books, TV series, and her other quality content that adds to skepticism #ohwait

RT @sjzara . @Eshto @saramayhew @skepchicks I’m from the UK. I know of Sara Mayhew because of TED. I know (and care) almost nothing about skepchicks

RT @sjzara .@Eshto @saramayhew @skepchicks That I now know vaguely of skepchicks because of their behaviour than any work they do says a lot about them [Or about the people you listen to who talk about them.]

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Can companies even control who buys stock? Boycotting Dragon*Con is useless AND ignorant. http://j.mp/XapMAu  @skepchick WTF [As it turns out….]

“If I learned that Kramer owned 30% of Apple’s stock I would stop buying their products” – @rebeccawatson But could Apple do anything?

I’m calling for a boycott on boycotts and going 2 ALLS TEH CONS! RT @JonathanAbrams @saramayhew How many conferences can one person boycott?

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Go home @pzmyers, you are drunk. 〜( ̄△ ̄〜) [Out of the blue, as far as I can tell.]

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Vitriolic hypocrisy – Why is @rebeccawatson acting like an awful person? http://tinyurl.com/a9a429v

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Why is @RebeccaWatson acting like an awful person? http://tinyurl.com/a9a429v

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

“If you run into assholes all the time, *you* might be the asshole.”

Do people have a problem with specific claims of Evo-psych or with the entire concept that our psychology has evolved? #babywithbathwater

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

@JlnFrancisco No, I don’t bully others. I don’t name-call. I don’t block anyone but spambots.

And this is pretty much slander from @Melodyhensley: Implying I’m a harasser who plots to hurt others. http://yfrog.com/h41eeyrbj

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.
Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

“Ragging” relates to being angry because you’re “on the rag”. RT @rebeccawatson Holy shit you are dumb. YOU said it meant menstruation. [In regards to Mayhew’s claim that “ragging on” was a sexist term.]

And you’re immature and ignorant to call me dumb. RT @rebeccawatson Holy shit you are dumb. YOU said it meant menstruation.

.@iateacat @rebeccawatson Yep. But it’s also used as slang for tampon/sanitary napkin. From YOUR OWN link Rebecca http://j.mp/ViHWSy

@rebeccawatson From your OWN link http://j.mp/ViHWSy  ” slang for “tampon, sanitary napkin””

@WowbaggerOM @rebeccawatson From Rebecca’s own link http://j.mp/ViHWSy  “slang for “tampon, sanitary napkin””

@rebeccawatson In the context of belittling women, like @MelodyHensley‘s tweet, it can be seen as derogatory.

Wow⇨RT @rebeccawatson To scold 1739. Tampon 1930s. You’re the dumbest person on Twitter. [Also, “ragging” = verb; “scold” = verb; “tampon” = noun.]

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

How it must feel to realise there’s no magic wand for forcing anyone to not talk about you.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Yes. And drama Llamas RT @rjblaskiewicz @saramayhew Can we feed flamers to trolls? [But no name calling.]

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.
Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

.@EllenBethWachs Irony: those claiming they want to make welcome spaces for women have done so in a way that makes women feel unwelcome.

RT @Rocko2466 @saramayhew @EllenBethWachs Is the irony that the people who are bemoaning the scaring away of women from conferences are the ones doing it? [Rocko is at Level 2 on The Block Bot as a pitizen.]

@EllenBethWachs The issue are women bullies who call other women chill girls, sister punishers, rape apologists, and Stepford wives.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

More and more women are avoiding conferences because of female bullies and sister-punisher witch hunts that result in highschool shunning.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

“I’m a fake!” http://j.mp/11yK0az  Offended by art? #geek #crafts #skeptic #freethought #pipethefuckdown

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Spot-on article by @michaelshermer in the new issue of ‘Free Inquiry’: http://bit.ly/RZF4au

@desertyard Sorry, I’m forgetting how big of a glass ceiling there is in the ceramics industry.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Oh wow, you’re raising money but pocketing half of it. #slowclap [A reference to Surly Amy’s custom ceramic necklaces that raise money to send people who can’t afford it to various conferences.]

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

Feeding trolls and blogging about them is literally the *least* you could do for skepticism. #lazy

RT @mirandachale Internet trolls are like stray animals: if you feed them, you can’t pretend to be shocked or offended when they come back for more.

Tweet from Sara Mayhew. Text provided in the post.

What about the part of the skeptic fairy tale when there were nude calendars, sexy themed parties, and taking shots off of guy’s crotches?

Only one org in skepticism ever focused on presenting women skeptics as sexual objects, promoting that sexiness makes it more appealing. [As far as I know, no skeptical organization “ever focused on” that.]

And that is as far back as Twitter will load. Without coming close to picking up everything she aimed at Rebecca and a handful of Rebecca’s friends, can anyone tell me why, despite being “a TED fellow”, that repetitive, name-calling, vitriolic mess shouldn’t be designated “annoying”? Can anyone even tell me, honestly, that nothing I’ve collected here counts as abusive?

A TED Fellow

53 thoughts on “A TED Fellow

  1. 2

    Wow, I lost a bit of respect for Farley today. Not from his original article (I can forgive him missing the point), but from his replies to Tom. He never really dealt with any of the arguments, merely waved them away with “this is a fisking that runs too long, and thus isn’t worth my time.”

    Twice, no less. Some skeptic he is.

  2. 3

    Two years ago, a couple of people twitted Mayhew about her fondness for shoes. The tweets were quickly withdrawn.

    “Chill girl” and “sister punisher”–neither of which is a sexist term–were used maybe a couple of times in comments on FtB. (I know this has been documented but I don’t have the link.)

    Sara’s been using these insults to justify her obsession with FtB and Skepchick bloggers for two years now.

    (How shocking–shocking I say! and libelous!–to think a case could be made for including her on a list of people blocked for being annoying. /sarcasm)

  3. 4

    Let me get this straight. The usual suspects are going total RocketAroundThePrimateCage over what is essentially a macro for bulk blocking that allows you to avoid having to manually block people you don’t want to interact with one-by-one-by-one?

    Because…the blocking tool was discussed ON TV as a workaround option to avoid horrific creeper abuse and that suddenly makes one group of people, who are being blocked by one list built on the tool by other people who don’t want to spammed by their copious opinions in real time,…realize they’re officially unkewl kids and that just can’t-happen-to them? Because they’re totally different, pain hurts them?

    Eesh. just….eesh.

  4. 5

    Wow, epic, the spamming of #wiscfi alone would get her added to Level3 … But why the hell isn’t she on Level2? Asshole seems to fit her quite well, I for one want to know why our blocking overlords are so tame!

    For some reason I totally missed that bit in Farley’s post, I was too focussed on the technical criticisms. Which are valid, if a little moot given the whole point is that its his opinion these need to be in place before it can be trusted. Whereas clearly plenty of people trust it without needing a fully audited list of who was added when and by whom. Its blocking on Twitter FFS and you can see who added who from the tweets, as long as you trust the blockers not to delete them. Which strangely I do or they wouldn’t be blockers!

    On that note the pitters are nothing compared to the “Anon” “hactivists” whining about censorship and threatening to “get me” or organise protests outside my house for blocking them on Twitter. I think we really need a lulz troll section in level1 and level2 … They seem to really believe that no amount of racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-semitic abuse is qualitatively “bad” as long as they are “joking”. I had the “intent isn’t magic” argument with a couple of them and it seems I should be able to mind read them and see their abuse is “just a joke”. Jeez, lots of blocking to do…. After I get the site back up from their latest DoS attack.

  5. 6

    Rather than trying to say that people of a certain status shouldn’t be in the block list, shouldn’t he be appalled and horrified that people with such status are acting so terribly? I look at that list he wrote, and my first thought is “Whoa, we really need to tighten our standards on who we choose as leaders and award recipients”.

  6. 8

    It’s worth remembering that her—and the rest of the harassers—have started a non-stop, 24/7, multi-year, utterly unhealthy (for them!) obsessive harassment campaign….because they object to anti-harassment policies at cons. Now this lady is having a kind of disturbing meltdown because someone created a tech solution to keep her from obsessively harassing her hate objects. Over and over again, we find that nothing sets off this group more than having obstacles put between harassers and their targets. They may say it’s about “free speech” or “dissent”, but it’s kind of circular….They dissent against anti-harassment measures because it makes it harder to harass people over anti-harassment measures. Or really, to harass people at all. Which is a long way of saying the objections stem from people who like harassing and object to their chosen targets fighting back.

    It’s fascinating how entitled bullies can be. They are OWED an opportunity to harass and belittle and harangue and even grope whoever the fuck they want, and any attempt to make it harder for them to do that is taking away their precious right to make life miserable for someone else.

    The good news is that the level of self-righteous indignation on the part of the pro-harassment crowd is very illuminating. I think there’s a tendency to assume abusive people feel shame or guilt about their behavior, but in reality, most of them fall somewhere on the scale of “utterly entitled” to “downright proud”. They believe their targets are inferior people who deserve to be abused so they know their place. This is true of rapists, batterers and bullies of all sorts. It is definitely true of harassers, sexual and otherwise. They are willing to feign remorse if their back is against the wall, but you’ll notice that their energies tend to be focused on minimizing the amount of remorse they have to show in order to return to their normal life of picking on people. Witness Bob Filner, who is clearly not sorry at all, and is trying to find the bare minimum of “remorse” he can fake before he can return to office. The amount he displayed was so laughably small that it was immediately obvious what he was doing.

    Because they’re self-righteous, by the way, any resistance from targets becomes further justification for abuse and harassment. Victims of domestic violence often find that crying during an assault become pretext for more assaults and belittlment—the victim is told to stop crying or she will get hit more. Something similar is going on here. The harassers are so deeply offended that people oppose their favorite tactic for putting perceived inferiors in their place that they’re doubling down.

    Not that I believe that the best strategy is to submit, of course. Sometimes you have to fight back, even though it’s exhausting.

  7. 9

    Stacy @3 –

    Sara’s been using these insults to justify her obsession with FtB and Skepchick bloggers for two years now.

    I remember that happening and it always stuck with me how remarkably petty she was over the whole issue, especially since she insults far more viciously than anyone she opposes.

    Is there a name for the phenomenon where someone has a disagreement with a person and then suddenly declares war on anyone and anything associated with them? Because “An FTBlogger/Skepchick was mean to me! Therefore feminism is evil and I will focus my entire life on that!” seems to be a distressingly common occurrence.

  8. 10

    I just noticed where Mayhew lives. She’s used to being a slightly larger than average minnow in a really, really tiny pond. I looked at her bloated wiki entry, I think she’s so used to being stroked that she’s lost all sense of proportion.

    I bet her neighbours (& any stray moose) find her insufferable.

  9. 11

    I avoid twitter because of the self-obsessed mediocres that have nothing to say but me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me
    this manages to be both hateful and boring. “New media” and “same old blargh” simultaneously. I’m so glad I’ve saved my time.

  10. 12

    Maybe it’s just Mayhew, but the above could serve quite well as Exhibit A in the case for TwitCorp being the worst thing to happen to communication since Rupert Murdoch.

  11. 13

    Is there a name for the phenomenon where someone has a disagreement with a person and then suddenly declares war on anyone and anything associated with them?

    It’s one branch of the social family tree of the species “one way thin skin”.

    Inwards. Super sensitive to anything perceived as intruding on them or vaguely inferred as relating to them.
    Outwards. Either oblivious or rejoicing about any and all similar impacts on others.

  12. 14

    The length of this post is mind boggling. So I suppose now Stephanie admits to the online stalking of Sara E. Mayhew over a span of many months?

  13. 15

    I’m curious what Bizarro world Mayhew is living on where Amanda Marcotte is “d-list” and 90% of the people she’s shared the stage with at TAM aren’t. When I first started following liberal blogs and news sites, Pandagon was right up there with Daily Kos in terms of prominence and recommendation. Maybe my sample is skewed, but I can only think of a handful of TAM speakers (Adam Savage, Bill Nye, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Penn & Teller) who have more mainstream (that is, outside of the skeptical movement) fame/recognition.

    The bit about the Surly fundraiser is ridiculous too. I worked at Pizza Hut in high school, and groups could sign up for fundraisers where 20% (or something close to that, maybe 15%) of sales that night would go to the fundraising group. Does she…not understand how fundraisers work?

    Stacy: The shoes bit is rich, considering that she’s thrown in with the crowd that harassed Greta Christina to no end over buying shoes. Ugh.

  14. 18

    Because of #10 above, I was moved to quickly skim the wikipedia article on Mayhew, and this caught my eye:
    One of Mayhew’s stated goals as a writer is to ensure that her “work as a writer and artist crosses over with promoting science-based thinking.”

    Is that what she’s trying to accomplish with all this twitterspamming? That doesn’t seem to be a very effective of achieving that particular goal. To me, she has literally drowned herself out and now moves from the list of “people I’ve never heard of” to “people I’ve heard of and decided aren’t worth paying attention to.”

  15. 20

    On a more serious note though, I’ve been to one TAM. It was the one in London in 2010, and it was fantastic. I paid a lot of money to go, including airfare from the US and hotel in London. I have not been back to a TAM since, even though I like to go to Vegas, mostly because the rosters don’t have anyone I would pay money to go see. Maybe if they showed up here in Chicago, but I’m not taking vacation days for the likes of Sara Mayhew. She’s just buried so far up her own bum that she has nothing interesting to say that might be relevant to living in the real world.

  16. 21

    janedoe, only the one selfie she posted after saying it was sexist that someone suggested a court filing from her would contain selfies.

    Trophy, I think you didn’t read the post. Not that I blame you for not wanting to, but if you’re going to make accusations based on it, you should really pay attention. I was named in some of her tweets. Several friends of mine were named in those tweets. There were links to my friends’ blogs where they complained about the obsessive nature of her tweets. There were responses to tweets from friends of mine that named her. It required no stalking of Mayhew to know there was crap all over her Twitter feed. I will admit that the sheer volume of it surprised me when I looked at the whole thing yesterday though.

  17. 22

    It’s always hilarious to see them get upset at “chill girl”, despite its well-known history as a self-descriptor used to distinguish the cool girls from the supposedly perpetually angry feminists, that simply got turned around on those that want to make that distinction.

    anyway, yeah: she fully deserves her spot among the “annoying”. I don’t use the blockbot because the fuckweasel-brigade leaves me alone most of the time, but I can see how people would get sick and tired of having her tweets appear in their mentions all the fucking time

  18. 23

    This one’s my favorite:

    Rebecca Watson and Ophelia Benson should know better than to misuse claims of libel; intimidation tactic skeptics have fought against.

  19. 24

    another thing I just “love” about the fuckweasel-brigade: holding skepchick’s pre-feminist past against them now that they actually have become a feminist network

  20. 25

    Ow this was a painful readl

    To be honest, the post should have focused on her tweets that invaded convention hash tags. That alone would also be a big advertisement for the block bot. My fear is that many readers would see the relatively mild examples at the beginning and then ignore the rest.

  21. 26

    another thing I just “love” about the fuckweasel-brigade: holding skepchick’s pre-feminist past against them now that they actually have become a feminist network

    It seems most of this “past’ they like throwing up involve the most benign crap, like “How dare the SC throw parties and drink and OMG did you see the pic were ‘Becky’s’ kissing a guy from years and years and years ago?”

    Because, as we all know, feminists don’t throw parties, drink alcohol, or like men enough to allow one that close without screaming “rapist, seize him!”.

    Or at least, they want that myth to be so true so bad. It’s kinda pathetic.

  22. 27

    I think it’s worse than that. I was having a discussion on Twitter yesterday (such a nice break from this) about how they can’t seem to distinguish advocacy for consent from being anti-sex. Any sexual activity, even where both/all parties are having an obvious good time, is held up as evidence of hypocrisy. Usually with some slut-shaming for good measure.

  23. 28

    Things that infuriate me about this whole thing:
    1. Mayhew’s insistence that being called a “chill girl” is worse than the constant rape and death threats other women are getting.
    2. The fact that I stopped going to Virtual Drinking Skeptically because of her and only stay in the movement because of Watson and others like her and yet she insists that it’s the other way around for all women everywhere.
    3. Her stupid TAM talk in 2011 about how she likes girly things and wants to make books for the girls who like girly stuff because it’s okay to like girly stuff and she chooses her choice, guys!!!! Very skeptical. And then her saying it’s sexist to say she likes sparkles here.
    4. Her constant whining about how she’s the real victim when nothing bad has happened to her.
    5. Her failure to realize that if she says one semi-feminist thing, all her fans will turn on her as quickly as they did on Watson after Elevatorgate.

  24. 29

    It’s like that creationist “no dog has ever given birth to a cat, therefore evolution isn’t true” thing. They’re trying to argue against feminism by showing that feminists don’t conform to their distorted, mistaken idea of what feminism means.

  25. 31

    I just got into an argument on a friend’s FB wall with someone who used to be a friend over this very level 3 individual. And another level 3 individual whom I’ve only interacted with once and who doesn’t know me from Adam jumped in to accuse me of having a double standard. Because of course “both sides do it”.

    I’ll admit the hashspamkiller is much more useful to me than the block bot right now. I’d kind of like to go to a conference without the hashtag being overrun with obsessive stalkers.

  26. 32

    The argument “You can’t criticize X because Y once did this!” is bizarre, to say the least. Especially when the one accusing you of having a double standard is criticizing Y while lauding X.

  27. 33

    It seems most of this “past’ they like throwing up involve the most benign crap

    most of the time, yes (and what stephanie said about pro-consent/anti-sex conflation). I was specifically referring to the bit about the way skepchick for a while promoted the problematic idea of the cool sexy skepchic as (almost) the entire promotional image of young women in skepticism.

  28. 34

    I couldn’t help but laugh at this, buried somewhere in the middle:

    Really, I’m skipping stuff here

    For which our scrolling fingers thank you. What a compilation! I couldn’t make it through even a majority of it without serious danger of desk-induced forehead damage.

  29. 36

    Trophy is right: How dare Ms. Zvan document mass quantities of Mayhew’s tweets? Documenting mass quantities of Mayhew’s tweets is blatantly obsessive and stalkery—and, worse, it’s obsessive and stalkery in a way that Mayhew’s production of every last one of said tweets in the first place clearly and obviously is not! It’s a darn good thing that none of Ms. Zvan’s opponents are clearly and obviously a better class of person than that, as this sort of mass-documenting-of-tweets behavior is plainly far, far outside the boundaries of the civilized discourse of which Ms. Zvan’s opponents are such effective and persuasive exponents.

  30. 37

    Is there a name for the phenomenon where someone has a disagreement with a person and then suddenly declares war on anyone and anything associated with them?

    I refer to them as ‘eggshells armed with hammers’.

  31. 38

    TED FELLOW?! I didn’t think my opinion of TED could get much lower without them going the full HuffPo in terms of woo-peddling and ad shit.

    @19 – No fucking kidding! I was curious about what her “award winning manga” looked like, and if you google her name, it’s different selfies all day long. If you google the name of the comic, you still get mad selfies! The comic itself does a better job of aping manga style than most OEL, but it’s looks boring as shit. I’d rather have a visually exciting OEL that doesn’t succeed at aping japanese as well.

  32. 39

    Also, for people outside Japan to call themselves mangaka and say they’re making manga is just dim. Manga = comics. Are you making comics in a Japanese style? They’re still comics. This is the English-speaking part of the world. In Japan, DC & Marvel comics with bendy bulgy-muscled dudes and nary an eye-sparkle in sight are called MANGA. Good grief.

  33. 41

    TED FELLOW?! I didn’t think my opinion of TED could get much lower without them going the full HuffPo in terms of woo-peddling and ad shit.

    That’s what TEDx is for.

    Plausible deniability once they get found out.

    On the other hand, not cool mocking Mayhew’s work. Taste differs.

  34. 42

    On the other hand, not cool mocking Mayhew’s work. Taste differs.

    What Sili said. Don’t make me break out the “It’s Okay to Not Like Things” video again. 🙂

  35. 43

    Also, for people outside Japan to call themselves mangaka and say they’re making manga is just dim. Manga = comics. Are you making comics in a Japanese style? They’re still comics. This is the English-speaking part of the world. In Japan, DC & Marvel comics with bendy bulgy-muscled dudes and nary an eye-sparkle in sight are called MANGA. Good grief.

    It’s an annoyance of mine. I used to make a living producing manga-styled illustration, but I never passed myself off as a manga creator.

    Fred Schodt best defined manga as product from Japan (or for those gaijin petting zoos such as Kodansha Comic Afternoon, publishing Tony Luke’s work, it’s product that is editorialised and published in Japan). The word has some value as a description of origin and even authenticity.

    Anything else is simply comics. I keep telling Paul Gravett not to go around telling Western kids that they are making manga. It just diminishes the word and makes it worthless as a term of art.

  36. 44

    My favorite one was the “lawyer up” threat.

    No respectable lawyer is going to file that case. It’s a non-starter on its face. Thus, the only lawyer thats going to jump on this nonsense (and there will be plenty such folks) are going to require a big up-front retainer and generate a circus where very quickly the goal of settlement will be nothing more than recovering the ridiculous amount of money she spent on some crooked attorney.

    What a farce. If a group of people not liking you is slander then Dick Cheney gets to sue the world for all of its money.

  37. 45

    I suppose it’s similar to their side mocking Rebecca Watson’s communications degree. I am mocking her qualification for having a podium. Still… It seems hella mockable. I know better artists who are better human beings and get no attention outside of a few hundred random internet people. It’s annoying. What is this video of which you speak? Educate me, if it’s not too much trouble.

  38. 47

    Hm… This is a whole new world of ethical consideration for me. Don’t be a dick about the things I don’t like, eh? How does one know when one is being a dick vs. issuing a reasonable critique of something that sucks? Would “Mock the Movie” count as being a dick against gymkata experts or villages with pommel horses in their main square? OK, those are fictional, but would saying “Manos: The Hands of Fate” is possibly the worst movie in the history of mankind be dickish to the weirdos that created it?

    I imagine the criteria would be something like this: If I created a terrible work of art, how would I want criticism delivered? Gently, it’s true. But if I made Manos, I’d have to expect worse than that.

    So I’ll say her manga is not as bad as Manos: Hands of Fate. But ordering her book backwards when she had published it in English first is … *GggRMPH* … a peculiar decision. Yes indeed. Most peculiar.

  39. 48

    You know, I started following her because she sounded interesting and she was taking a different tack to science education etc. I felt some of the criticism leveled against her wasn’t warranted.

    These days I can’t help but think she’s the biggest #dramallama around. An utter hypocrite and fully deserving of being on the block bot list. Blimey – was a collection of tweets.

  40. 49

    While Sara Mayhew has provided proof that she is dishonest, vindictive, hypocritical, and petty, I think that DJ Grothe has shown himself responsible for creating an atmosphere where this type of behavior is explicitly rewarded. If Phil Plait, who gave the “Don’t be a Dick” speach at TAM, were still JREF president, is there any chance that Sara Mayhew would be invited back, while Dr. Pamela Gay, whose 2012 TAM speech was about making the world a better place, would be pointedly excluded from this year’s TAM? If Sara’s malicious behavior were condemned, as it should be, instead of rewarded, would she still be at it?

  41. 53

    And that is as far back as Twitter will load.

    Thank the fucking stars.

    I can’t imagine anyone at this point needing to see a 20 page wall of tweets to decide if Sarah needs to be ignored.

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