
4 thoughts on “Facebook Status

  1. 1

    Sometimes I get contacted by extremely old friends and I’m astounded by how interesting and exciting their lives have turned out to be, especially compared to mine. A high school buddy tells me he just got cast in a Broadway musical this morning. What can I say to that? “That’s great! I thought I was out of garbage bags this morning, and guess what? I found one had fallen behind the potato chips, so I won’t have to go to the store until tomorrow! Whoo hoo!”

  2. 2

    That just means you picked good friends.Acting is one of those now-or-never professions. If you don’t have successes early in life, you’re unlikely to get far. It’s kind of silly to compare that to something like writing, where you need to do some living before you’ve got much to say. I wouldn’t worry about it just yet. 🙂

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