School prayer draws opposition from—wait, who?

For more than 30 years, Dr. Harold Brockus was the Presbyterian pastor at the Good Samaritan Church in Pinellas Park. Sermons, missions, prayers. Everything you would expect from a place of worship and a man of God.

So when a school prayer bill landed on Gov. Rick Scott’s desk this month, Rev. Brockus understandably had reason to care. Enough reason to put his name on a letter imploring the governor to do the right thing with this proposed law.

Don’t sign it.

via Tampa Bay Times.

The only people who really profit from laws mandating state-sponsored prayer are the lawyers who will take home fat fees from all the lawsuits it will take to bring the state back in line with the Constitution again.


  1. Ned Champlain says

    The good pastor realizes that it is a weak deity that needs a secular law to give him power. A god who needs the help of an entire nation to get his word outis no god.

    • left0ver1under says

      You may be right, but I suspect the reason is (or another reason is) that his particular church isn’t going to benefit from the power grab. His church would probably be discriminated against under this law, so he’s interested in self preservation, not altruism.

      Religions are only peaceful and respectful of others’ rights when the religions are in the minority.

  2. astrosmashley says

    The pastor is probably one of the “good” ones who actually understand that SoC&S benefits the religious as well, being neither Catholic nor Evangelist

  3. 'Tis Himself, OM says

    I like how Romano ends his article:

    In the end, this isn’t really a bill about prayer.

    It is a way for legislators to pander to voters who may not fully understand the legal, financial and constitutional ramifications of this proposed law.

    Prayer is not a government issue. And it shouldn’t be a political ploy.

  4. hotshoe says

    I’m even more thrilled to see that the comments on the newspaper site are all favorable to the separation of church and state. At least in the first dozen I read, not a single one sounds like “but but but US is a CHRISTIAN COUNTRY”.

    Well done, rational Floridians, well done.

  5. E.A. Blair says

    One thing that never fails to astonish me is that the same theists who complain the most loudly about how government-run education (i.e., public schools) are hotbeds of secularism and are tools of the devil turn right around and demand that those same government-run schools be charged with childrens’ religious indoctrination (as if they can be trusted to do so).

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