
  1. says

    That purple/blue flower looks suspiciously like what is called Four O’Clocks, a pernicious plant if there ever was one.

  2. Raucous Indignation says

    Yeah, I have no idea what the other plant is. It’s some sort of ground cover. It briefly blooms in the springs. It mostly lays close to the ground, a low pile of dark green and brownish leaves. Like somebody tossed out (or puked up?) yesterday’s half eaten salad. It would have been gone years ago, but my partner loves it. The things we do for love.

  3. Raucous Indignation says

    The rhododendrons are just opening up. I’ll send a wide shot of the bush when it’s in full bloom.

  4. says

    If I were to gues the family of that plant, it would be Scrophulariaceae, but other than that I am unable to opine because my library and my knowledge concerns only local plants.
    But as it is said, a rose by any other name…

  5. Raucous Indignation says

    Yeah, my landscaper doesn’t know what it’s called either. It sends up those flowering shoots in the spring for a couple of weeks, and then it lays there like puked up salad the rest of the year. Honestly, it’s enough to force a man to buy a rototiller.

  6. Tethys says

    It is Glechoma hederacea, commonly called ground ivy or creeping charlie, which has lovely purple flowers but is otherwise a fairly invasive weed that takes over lawns. The rhododendron bud picture is really cool, such an unusual color.

  7. rq says

    The rhododendron’s colour is beautiful, my high school grad dance dress was the colour of those buds, and I loved it to death (it was also satin-shiny and very pretty and I should get a refit because it was purty).
    As for the other, I always thought it was a member of the mint or nettle families, has that look to it, good to know it’s a mint! Though there’s nothing wrong with nettles, either. But it is also known as ivy. Oh, common names, so clarifying! :D

  8. Ice Swimmer says

    Glechoma hederacea, I think I’ve seen them here but have never known what it is. In Finnish, it is, according to the Pfft, maahumala (land hop, hop as in the herb that’s used for making beer, humala also means the state of inebriation). It seems it may not be a good plant to consume, though, as it contains compounds that may be harmful.

  9. says

    Interesting, how I was wrong on all accounts (and this was the second time in my life that I have mis-identified a member of the Mint family for Figworth). Now that I know the name:
    -- it is indeed in my books
    -- It is even in my herbary that I made during my studies! So I actually had at some point in my life handled this plant, correctly identified it and preserved it for grading later.

    It shows not only how unused knowledge gets forgotten but also how huge digital images can be deceiving -- the real plant is teensy, mere few cm in height, yet from the pictures I thought we are talking something half a meter.

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